Nearly 150 …

Nearly 150 … in about 5 years !!!

Since 2015 nearly 150 International/European students performed 3-6 months research internships at Okayama University.

Every year since 2015, Okayama University has been hosting from February to September an average of 30 Master level students from prestigious Universities in Europe. They come at Okayama to perform a high-level research work for 3 to 6 months and combine scientific excellence with a strong exposure to Japanese culture.

Excellence of their science work: they are naturally requested to work closely with the host professor and exchange as much as possible with their Japanese counterparts. As the professors, all International students have very good English proficiency and via daily exchanges with Japanese students, gradually, the English practice in the research groups is improving.

At the end of their research periods students are requested to provide their host professor with an activity report. They also have to present their results during a group meeting or a special oral session/ seminar.

The Internship program is very opened and flexible in terms of duration and financial support. This is a main reason it meets a great and growing success. A carefull selection of the research topics proposed to the International students as well as regular promotion in oral sessions in front of students classrooms abroad  is another strong reason.

Special attention is being increasingly paid to balance the mobility flows (Okayama ==> Europe) and significant efforts in this direction is now being made by applying more strongly to ERASMUS + support for instance.